segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

La Unidad de Estudio de Fenómenos Interplanetarios de la US ARMY, existió desde el Acta Truman hasta finales de los 80.

Posted on 6 Diciembre 2010 porstarviwer

Evidencia definitiva de Inteligencia Extraterrestre Documentada. El proyecto IPU, implicaba la existencia de una comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Interplanetarios en el marco de la DoD. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, reconoce que dichos Estudios existen, tal y como expone Richard Hall (Investigador asociado a MUFON y NICAP). Reproducimos Textualmente las conclusiones de Hall, y los documentos que prueban sus afirmaciones:
Ultimately the US Government itself would be forced to agree that they too had “institutional memory” of such UFO studies that were conducted by this illusive Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit.
On September 6, 1980 Hall filed a formal request under FOIA to the US Army. His was the first-ever FOIA requesting details on the IPU. Hall received a reply from the Office of the Chief of Staff for Intelligence. The next two significant FOIA requests came in the following years. Former researcher William Steinman received somewhat more detailed answers about the IPU from the same office on May 16, 1984. Still later (on March 12, 1987) the Army responded to author and researcher Timothy Good’s request for additional information on the Unit.
Los documentos a los que hace referencia están disponibles aquí:
Estos 70 documentos, suponen una Evidencia definitiva de Inteligencia Extraterrestre documentada.
StarViewerTeam International 2010.

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